ECG Welcome Committee

The ECG Welcome Committee Welcomes 2025!

It was great to see many of our new neighbors at the Wine and Cheese Reception on December 12th. We hope you had a chance to introduce yourself and chat with neighbors you hadn’t yet met. Thanks to you, several new-comers commented about the friendly community in The Esplanade and how welcomed they feel by everyone they meet in the elevators, at the mailboxes and in the lobby!

(Photos by Fred Shapiro)

The ECG Welcome Committee - Ashok RaoCarol CaswellLarry Lieberman and Deborah Halber - looks forward to welcoming new residents in 2025. The ECG Welcome Letter  is now being included in the Welcome Directory given to all new residents by Esplanade Management. In the past several months, new residents in six units have received a personal welcome note along with an electronic copy of the letter from the Committee.

New residents are identified when they sign up for the ECG ListServ and Newsletter (as encouraged in the Welcome Letter) or by current residents who alert us of new neighbors. You can help!  Perhaps new neighbors are moving onto your floor, or you know of people who are moving into the building. Please feel free to print a copy of the Welcome Letter to greet them or reach out to a member of the Welcome Committee.  Your suggestions for additional tips to include in the Welcome Letter are always appreciated; simply contact a member of the Committee with your input. 

We wish you a happy and healthy 2025,

You can recognize us through the picture below that shows Larry, Deborah, Carol and Ash.  Larry and Ash are long-time residents.  Larry has a place in Falmouth, Ash has a place in Kennebunk.  Carol and Deborah joined us more recently.  Carol spent many years in Philadelphia before moving to the Boston area.  Deborah used to live in Lexington.  She currently splits her time between Boston, the Cape and Tucson.