While reading the Boston Globe the other day I came across a description of a restaurant that was so delightful, that I am eager share it:

Ø  Dovetail – 16th Street, Charlestown.  Amy MacKinnon of the Boston Globe discovered this hidden treasure by accident upon discovering that the wait for a table at their chosen favorite, Pier 6, was too long.  Heading home, they wandered off course entering “a wide passageway lined with trees and white lights, a cobbled street set with dining tables and chairs, all nestled between soaring granite buildings.  It was as if we had been transported to Europe.  The wine was excellent;  the food, sumptuous – a dream come true in trying times.”  Ms. MacKinnon goes on to describe the impressive experience of ordering take-out from Dovetail this January.  Bob and I are just beginning to think about eating indoors and will report further on Dovetail.

Ø  Desfina Restaurant – 202 Third Street, Cambridge;  Dine-in, Takeout, No-contact delivery. This warm, friendly East Cambridge fixture featuring delicious home-made Greek food is an unpretentious treasure.


PLEASE come to our aid:  email your favorite recipes and restaurant suggestions to me ( for inclusion in the next ECG Newsletter “EATS” column.