Charles River Conservancy 

On March 18, 2024 Esplanade residents were treated to a wonderful and informative presentation by Laura Jasinski, Executive Director of the Charles River Conservancy. As promised, Laura followed up with additional resources and ways to get involved. Here they are: 

 Hi Jane,

Thank you so much for hosting us last week! The set up was perfect and we were really pleased with the turnout! I'll follow up individually with a few folks I spoke to, but also wanted to send along some information/links that the group might be interested in to stay in touch and involved!

·   CRC Monthly E-newsletter: For those that didn't get a chance to sign-up or that aren't already on our email list.

·   Volunteer Programs: This webpage includes information about our monthly "open" events (the next one is May 4th) and how to schedule a group event. We are just finishing up recruitment and onboarding for this season's CREW (Charles River Environmental Watch) Program, but if individuals are interested in this, they can still submit an application or reach out to Annie and Sasha via

·   Floating Wetland Report: I believe we shared this last year when it was hot off the press, but it's great to reshare with those that want to know a bit more about the project - from research, to engagement, to plans for expansion.

·   Board Opportunities: We are recruiting new board members, particularly those with a background in law, finance, real estate and public relations. If someone is interested in learning more or meeting for coffee to discuss, they can reach out to me directly.

·   Advocacy: As I mentioned, it does make a difference when folks reach out to their local elected officials to let them know that funding our state parks (and the Dept. of Conservation and Recreation) is important! The best contacts for Esplanade residents are Senator Sal DiDomenico ( and Representative Dan Ryan (

And last but certainly not least, the CRC's work is made possible (almost entirely) through private donations. We would be grateful if Esplanade residents would consider making a financial contribution to our organization. There are multiple ways to give and I am always happy to talk to individuals about their philanthropic priorities.

Thank you again!
